Call for Sessions
Young people around the globe are growing up amidst a plethora of socio-ecological crises. Their lives and futures are marked by diverse crises, such as climate change, wars, security concerns, social unrest and pandemics. While this situation worries many young people, many of them are left with a feeling that their worries are ignored or that they are not heard equally to older generations. In this situation the questions of a just and fair world are imperative. They are not only matters of political decision-making and formal participation but concern young people’s daily lives, social relations, transitions to adulthood, youth cultures and spaces, institutions governing young lives as well as intergenerational interaction in its multiple forms. We invite youth researchers and scholars around the world to come together to contemplate the challenges of our time and envision a better future – while learning from the past.
The keynote speakers of the conference are
Prof. Aoife Daly
University College Cork
Prof. Lucas Gottzén
Stockholm University
Prof. Linda Herrera
University of Illinois
Ms. M., a young Afghan woman
Grant-funded researcher Tuuli Kurki
University of Helsinki
Prof. Rachel Thomson
University of Sussex
Call for Sessions is closed, thank you for your proposals!