
NYRIS takes place at Tampere University on 12-14th June, 2024.

Abstract book (PDF)

Programme of Parallel Sessions (PDF)

Wednesday June 12th
Location: City centre campus, Kalevantie 4

10.00Registration opens
Location: Main lobby in the Main Building, City centre campus
Location: YO Restaurant, Main building
11.45–12.15NYRIS2024: Opening session
Prof. Päivi Honkatukia, Tampere University

Ms. M. a young Afghan woman: Stories of the pressure of the time and the silence of the world – how can Afghan youth seek a fair and just Afghanistan?

Main Auditorium in the Main Building, City centre campus
Chair: Päivi Honkatukia, Tampere University

Prof. Aoife Daly, University College Cork: Children/youth climate advocates ‘doing’ rights themselves: Post-paternalism for the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child? (online)
Prof. Linda Herrera, University of Illinois: Learning from the Middle East: The value of regional studies for the future of youth studies

Main Auditorium in the Main Building, City centre campus
14.15–­14.45Coffee Break and Posters
Location: Auditorium Lobby in the Main Building, City centre campus
14.45–16.30Parallel Session 1
16.30–17.30Book launches and journal presentations
Location: Rooms A2a, A3 and A4 in the Main Building, City centre campus
17.30–18.30Guided walking tour in Tampere
We will meet in the main building lobby to leave at 17:30. We will walk from the university to the Vapriikki museum past several famous Tampere sights including the train station and the Tammerkoski.

Welcoming words by Lauri Savisaari, Director of Education & Culture at the City of Tampere.

There is an option to visit the Manserock exhibition while at the Vapriikki museum.

Location: Museum Centre Vapriikki, Alaverstaanraitti 5, 33100 Tampere
Thursday June 13th
Location: City centre campus, Kalevantie 4

9.00–10.30Parallel Session 2
10.30–11.00Coffee Break and Posters
Location: Auditorium Lobby in the Main Building, City centre campus
Chair: Tarja Tolonen, University of Helsinki
Prof. Lucas Gottzén, Stockholm University: Young men and the promise of remasculinization
Prof. Rachel Thomson, University of Sussex: Dance this mess around: celebrating youth in the ‘impasse’

Main Auditorium in the Main Building, City centre campus
Location: YO Restaurant, Main building
14.00–15.30Parallel Session 3
15.30–16.00Coffee Break and Posters
Location: Auditorium Lobby in the Main Building, City centre campus
16.00–17.30Parallel Session 4
18.00Walk to the Laukontori Harbour

Location: Meet in Main Building lobby to walk to Laukontori harbour.
19.30–Conference Dinner (for those who bought a dinner card)

18:45 The ferry departs from Laukontori harbour to Viikinsaari Island
19:15 Dinner in Viikinsaari Island
21:00 Jani Matti Juhani & Del Futuras perform, time for dancing!
23:30 The ferry departs and returns to Laukontori harbour

Location: Viikinsaari Island. The ferry (Hopealinjat) departs from Laukontori Harbour (Laukontori 13, 33200 Tampere) at 18.45/6.45 pm.

Please note that the venue for the dinner is on an island. Please make sure that you are at the harbour on time so you do not miss the ferry. Only the ferry that leaves to Viikinsaari at 18.45 (6.45 pm, as in the schedule) is included in the dinner card. However, you can return to Laukontori on any ferry (which are all included in the dinner card!), the ferries leave from Viikinsaari at 20:30, 21:30, 22:30 and the last one at 23.30.

Friday June 14th
Location: City centre campus, Kalevantie 4

9.00–10.30Parallel Session 5
10.30–11.00Coffee Break and Posters
Location: Auditorium Lobby in the Main Building, City centre campus
Chair: Susanna Ågren, Tampere University
Senior Research Fellow Tuuli Kurki, University of Helsinki: Stories of pain and love: navigating racism through collective care and peer support

Main Auditorium in the Main Building, City centre campus
12.00–12.45Closing Seremony
Main Auditorium in the Main Building, City centre campus
Photos by Reetta Oittinen / Tampereen yliopisto / Tampere University

Other interesting activities in Tampere

Manse Pride

Tampere’s own Pride Week, Manse Pride takes place from June 10th to 16th. The Manse Pride march and the main party in Sorsapuisto will be on Saturday 15th. Please, find more information from their website: Manse Pride.

Global Earth Exchange Day & Radical Joy gathering on the shore of Lake Iidesjärvi

Wednesday 12th June, starting from university’s Main Building outside main entrance at 16:45

Environmental writer Trebbe Johnson from the US has created embodied methods for confronting difficult environmental emotions. Best known for her international Radical Joy for Hard Times social movement and Global Earth Exchange Day, which is a community-based activity to experience damaged places: . The first step is to place oneself in the wounded environment and consciously observe it. Participants have the opportunity to say what this place means to them. They explore the place as it is now, and then collectively share what the exploration has brought to them. Finally, a collective creative movement is made – a gesture or gift of beauty to the place. This approach has spread around the world. The approach is simple and ever-expanding. When used over a long period of time, it is also an example of how dealing with grief can create space for unexpected joy. Collaborative, embodied and sometimes simple community rituals can be an important part of promoting planetary health and sustainable well-being.

Lake Iidesjärvi
Lake Iidesjärvi. Photo by Maaria Hartman.

The event is free and open to all. It will also be promoted to participants of the NYRIS international conference on youth research and will be held in English if necessary. The event will be hosted by environmental emotions researcher and writer Panu Pihkala, research professor Sofia Laine from the Finnish Youth Research Society, and environmental educator Tuomas Lilleberg who all visited Tampere last November together with Trebbe Johnson.

Sign in and more information:
When: Wednesday 12th June

Where: Our collective spot where we meet at 17.15 is here (google maps link).
There used to be a dumping ground at this location. More information about the history of the place (in Finnish).

How to get there: Collective departure outside the main doors of the University of Tampere main building (address Kalevantie 4) at 16.45. The walk to Iidesjärvi takes about 25 minutes.

If you arrive by bus (no 10), Nekalantie 54 is the nearest bus stop, and Tuomas (mobile no. +358 50 405 5581) will be there from 17.00 to 17.10 and guide people to the spot. The event will end at about 18.15, so that it is possible to reach Vapriikki for the reception.